Training Children to Work with Katie LaPierre

Teaching children to work and contribute to a smooth running household is just another important element of a good education. When you think about it, learning to be diligent workers is one of the most important life lessons we can impart to our children. Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 117: Interview With Katy LaPierre My experience …

Not My Strength but His

Sometimes we all feel week and feeble and lack certainty about the future. Some days and seasons are harder than others, but when trying times come we can remember that God is our strength. On today’s episode of the “Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast” we take a look at a devotional writing written by Susana Spurgeon …

Steadfast Women

Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 114: Remaining Steadfast Through Trials The culture surrounding us tells us to be strong, determined, tough women. Even much of Christian culture shouts this message. Sadly these messages are often referring to being strong in our own strength rather than putting on the full armor of God and allowing His strength …

Raising Them Up; a Discussion with Israel Wayne

Hello Friends and welcome back to another episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast! Today’s episode is a discussion I had with my friend Israel Wayne. Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 112: Interview with Israel Wayne Israel recently published a new book titled “Raising Them Up,” and on this episode he dives into some of the …

The Lord our Protector

Welcome back to the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast available through this sound bar and also over at iTunes. Today we are talking about God being our refuge, protector, and strong tower during current events happening in our nation. Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 109: The Lord Our Protector I hope this episode will be a strength …

Patient Parenting with Brook Wayne Part Two

Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 108: Interview With Brooke Wayne, Part 2 Hello Friends and welcome back to part two of my recent interview with my dear friend Brook Wayne. On this episode Brooke shares many helpful tips about growing in patience as a mother and communicating with our children in effective ways. Brooke also talks …

Interview with my Friend Brook Wayne!

Hello Friends! Today I want to introduce you to my sweet friend Brook Wayne. Brook and I were both homeschooled back in the prehistoric days of the homeschooling movement, and we are both now homeschooling our own children. Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 107: Interview With Brooke Wayne, Part 1 Brook is wife to author and …

Walking in the Love of Christ

Walking in love towards others does not always come easy. As mothers we need the grace of God to help us show love through the disturbances, messes, and irritations that are part of daily family life. We need God’s love extended through us to help us lovingly do the hard work of training and working …