Listen to Ruth on the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast on iTunes.
Interview with Valerie Shepard (Part 2)
Interview with Valerie Shephard (Part 1)
Passing on a Legacy of Faith and Family Discipleship
Welcome back, Friends! On this week’s episode of “The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast” I am talking about passing on a legacy of faith through home education. The world around us is in chaos, but we have an anchor for our soul in Jesus Christ. Let’s keep focused on the mission He has given us within the walls of our own homes. His Word and His promises do not fail, and He can be trusted even in troublesome times. May the Lord bless you until we meet again.
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Self-Control
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Gentleness
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Faithfulness
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Goodness
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Kindness
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Patience
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Peace
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Joy
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Love
Walk Not In The Flesh
Walking In The Spirit
The Holy Spirit Our Helper
Introducing the Word Study Scripture Writing Journal for Ladies Volume 2 – The Fruit of the Spirit
Today’s podcast is all about the upcoming release of The Word Study Scripture Writing Journal Volume II coming very soon! The topic of this journal is The Fruit of the Spirit, and there is an added element to this journal in that I wrote a small devotional thought at the end of each week’s Scripture Writing. That is something that Volume I did not have. We are very excited to release this journal, so stay tuned for the official release announcement.
Spiritual Nourishment & Refreshment for Ladies
Thinks We Can Be Certain Of
Looking Well to the Ways of Our Household
Homeschool Rooms & Organization

Little By Little One Step at a Time
Hello Friends! On this week’s episode we’re discussing taking little steps of faithfulness that add up to big accomplishments over time.
The Lord’s Strength for Uncertain Times

On today’s episode of The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast we take a look at Psalm 42 and talk about hoping in God even in uncertain times.
Trusting the Lord in 2021

Hello Friends! Welcome to the first podcast episode of 2021. Today I am talking about trusting the Lord during these days of great uncertainty. I hope that you can tune in, share the podcast with a friend, and reach out and let me know that you are listening.
God is Faithful – Even in 2020
Hello Friends and welcome back to another episode of “The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast” where we are discussing God’s faithfulness even in the year 2020. I would like to invite you to think back to all the manifold blessings of God throughout this year. You might be surprised just how many ways you can trace His fingerprints even during this most trying year. It is like the old song says, “Count your blessings and it will surprise you what that Lord has done.” I would love to hear from you, so please drop your comments below, on social media, or on iTunes and let me know how the Lord has shown His great faithfulness to you.
It is Well with My Soul
Hello Dear Ladies, on today’s episode of The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast I discuss Scriptures that remind us that it can be well with our soul even when things are turbulent all around us. I pray that this episode will be a strength to your hearts.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 ESV
God is Still on the Throne; Post-Election Thoughts

Hello Ladies, thank you for joining me for another episode of “The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast.” Today I am sharing my thoughts about last week’s election and seeking to bring a Biblical perspective to the situation. I invite you to join me at the end of the episode for a time of prayer for our nation.
Pray With Me Over the 2020 Election

This is election week 2020 and such a critical time in our nation. I invite you to spend some time with me, on this episode of the podcast, as I lead us in praying for tomorrow’s election. If you have not yet voted I also encourage you to go out and make whatever sacrifices necessary to vote for life and for freedom.
Embracing Teachable Moments

Each new day brings so many little teachable moments where we have opportunity to declare the mighty acts of God to our children and young people. On today’s episode of “The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast I share some practical ways that we can engage in family discipleship throughout the ebb and flow of daily family life. I pray you will be encouraged.
Feeding Our Families Physically & Spiritually

Hello Friends! Our families have an ongoing need to be fed at least three times a day, but we also have a need for a continual feeding on God’s Word. On today’s episode of the “Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast” I am sharing some ideas for getting food on the table while also sharing thoughts about feeding our families spiritual truths through the living Word of God.
We will be talking about some practical ways we can feed our families physically while also building relationships and imparting wisdom around our family tables.
Creating Memorable Mother/Daughter Moments

Hello Friends! On episode 120 of “The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast” we are talking about creating memories with our daughters. I am thankful to be the mother of five wonderful young ladies who range in age from five to nineteen. Over the years I have enjoyed creating special moments to connect to their hearts and encourage them in the Lord.
On this episode I share some of the things I have done to make special memories and share Biblical truths with my girls. I would also love to hear your ideas for special mother/daughter time.
Praying Without Ceasing

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
One of the core things that my husband and I want to define our family culture is a lifestyle of praying. I like to say that anytime is the right time to bring our families before the throne of grace. We are so privileged to be able to boldly come before the throne of grace to find grace to help in our time of need.
As we go through our days there are ongoing opportunities to lead our young people in prayer, and on this episode we’re talking about the subject of praying without ceasing. I would love to hear from you. How do you cultivate a prayerful atmosphere in your home?
Concerns For The Times

Hello my friends and welcome back to this week’s episode of the “Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast.” Today I am talking about my personal concerns for the times we find ourselves living in. Additionally I will be addressing my grief over how many young people are walking away from the faith.
This is a serious issue; the lure of the world and the tides of evil are strong. Now is the time for Christian parents to be crying out to God to do a mighty work in our homes as we pray for true gospel transformation in the hearts of our young people.
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good,treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
II Timothy 3:1-5 ESV
Training Children to Work with Katie LaPierre

Teaching children to work and contribute to a smooth running household is just another important element of a good education. When you think about it, learning to be diligent workers is one of the most important life lessons we can impart to our children.
My experience with seven children has taught me that children are not usually naturally excited about chores and responsibilities. Like so many other areas of life, it is our job as parents to train them to value work and to know how to work efficiently.
To help us with some practical ideas on how we can raise our children to be diligent, I invited my friend Katie LaPierre to share on this week’s episode of the podcast. Katie is the wife of Scott who is an author and pastor in the Pacific Northwest. Katie is the author of the “Eternally Minded Mamas One-Month Devotional and Journal, and she and Scott are the parents to eight children.
Not My Strength, but His

Sometimes we all feel week and feeble and lack certainty about the future. Some days and seasons are harder than others, but when trying times come we can remember that God is our strength. On today’s episode of the “Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast” we take a look at a devotional writing written by Susana Spurgeon that reminds us that we can go weak and needy before the throne of grace and find all that we need in Christ.
Homeschooling in 2020

2020 has presented challenges far beyond what any of us envisioned at the turn of the new year. As we look ahead to a new school year, many parents find themselves on the new journey of homeschooling while many long time homeschoolers are now juggling new stresses and challenges that were not there before.
On today’s episode of the “Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast” I share from my own experience in homeschooling for over forty years now. I hope that you will find encouragement for the journey whether you are a new or a veteran homeschool family.
In times like these it is important that we keep our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. No virus, political upheaval, or financial strain can thwart His plans for our families. He is with us to guide us even in these very challenging times!
Steadfast Women

The culture surrounding us tells us to be strong, determined, tough women. Even much of Christian culture shouts this message. Sadly these messages are often referring to being strong in our own strength rather than putting on the full armor of God and allowing His strength to flow through us. Remember Paul said, “Not I but Christ.”
I do not like the world’s philosophy of women being strong, competitive, and tough. Instead I like the word steadfast. I want to be a steadfast woman. I want the strength of the Lord to flow through me so that I have strength of character and steadfastness for the journey. Basically I want to stay the course and run the race well. Certainly that ability and strength only comes through Christ in me.
In a world of unrest and uncertainty I am encouraged to remember that it is He who will hold us fast. As we walk with Him day by day, He will sustain us and give us the steadfastness we need to finish well.
Looking Ahead To A New School Year

Raising Them Up – A Discussion with Israel Wayne

Israel recently published a new book titled “Raising Them Up,” and on this episode he dives into some of the topics from his book. A few things we discuss are parenting different age groups, dealing with technology, and keeping the gospel at the heart of our parenting.
I want to encourage you to check out the ministry of Israel and his wife Brook. They both speak and write and are the parents of ten children. They have a lot of seasoned wisdom on the topics of parenting, homeschooling, a Biblical worldview and much more.
Family Renewal Homepage
Renewing Your Mind with God’s Word

Homeschool Organization Tips

Hello Friends! Our family recently turned over another grade level in our homeschool. Since we school year around we often advance to new grades at odd times of the year.
This year I have put more focus than usual on homeschool room organization, and on today’s podcast episode I share some of the things that I have found helpful to us in our homeschool journey. I hope it will be a blessing for you!
I have to admit that organization is not my gifting, but just because something does not come natural to me does not mean that I cannot learn to do better. So, I would love to hear from you. What strategies do you use to keep all the things organized in your homeschool? Please leave comments and reach out to me on my social media as well; I would love to hear from you!
While I think that a designated space to keep all things pertaining to homeschool is nice, it absolutely is not a necessity for successful homeschooling. Whether one homeschools in a schoolroom or around the kitchen table, the most important thing is to keep our focus on “Seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Matthew 6:33 May the Lord help us to keep our eyes looking upward and our gaze set on the ministry the Lord has given us within the walls of our own homes. Thank you so much for listening to this podcast, and may the Lord bless you until we meet again!
The Lord Our Protector
Welcome back to the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast available through this sound bar and also over at iTunes. Today we are talking about God being our refuge, protector, and strong tower during current events happening in our nation.
I hope this episode will be a strength to your heart and a blessed reminder that if God is for us, who can be against us. There is much trouble abounding, and yet God has not fallen off of His throne. He sits exalted in the heavens and is still Sovereign over our lives. We can trust in Him and look up fixing our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen.
These troubling times are an opportunity for us to remember that this world is not our home and to live intentionally in light of eternity. I always love to hear from my listeners, so please reach out. You can connect with me in multiple ways:
Patient Parenting with Brook Wayne, Part Two

Hello Friends and welcome back to part two of my recent interview with my dear friend Brook Wayne. On this episode Brooke shares many helpful tips about growing in patience as a mother and communicating with our children in effective ways.
Brooke also talks about how a busy mother can get the time she needs with the Lord and what that can look like with so many people needing her attention.
I encourage you to check out the ministry of Family Renewal and all things Israel and Brook Wayne. Here are some links to help you connect to Brook and her resources:
May the Lord bless you as you serve Him faithfully this week. Thank you for listening and please consider leaving a review over at iTunes and sharing this podcast with your friends. May the Lord be with you until we meet again.
Interview With My Friend Brooke Wayne

Hello Friends! Today I want to introduce you to my sweet friend Brook Wayne. Brook and I were both homeschooled back in the prehistoric days of the homeschooling movement, and we are both now homeschooling our own children.
Brook is wife to author and speaker Israel Wayne and the mother of ten children. She co-authored the helpful book Pitchin’ A Fit and also speaks at homeschool conventions and ministry conferences. Brook and Israel have a ministry called Family Renewal, and their heart is to encourage families to be a people prepared for the Lord.
I believe you will be encouraged hearing Brook’s heart and perspectives as she shares on the podcast this week and next. I strongly encourage you to check out the ministry of Family Renewal and all things pertaining to Brook and Israel Wayne. I will leave some links below where you can connect with Brook.
Walking In The Love Of Christ

Walking in love towards others does not always come easy. As mothers we need the grace of God to help us show love through the disturbances, messes, and irritations that are part of daily family life. We need God’s love extended through us to help us lovingly do the hard work of training and working on character issues with our children.
On today’s episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast we are discussing the great love of God towards us. When we understand the magnitude of the love we have been given, it will be easier to extend patience and love to those around us.
Discussing Motherhood with Valerie Elliot Shepard

Hello Friends, I hope that you were able to hear the podcast episode last week where I talked to Valerie Elliot Shepard, daughter to missionaries Jim and Elisabeth Elliot. If you did not hear that episode, I encourage you to go back and listen. It was so interesting to hear Valerie share about the love story of her parents and God’s faithfulness in their lives.
This week I am shifting gears and talking with Valerie about the holy and privileged calling of motherhood. Valerie is the mother to eight grown children and eight grandchildren. As you can imagine she has much seasoned advice to share, and I know you are going to be blessed!
I encourage you to check out the many books Valerie’s mother Elisabeth Elliot wrote and definitely to pick up your copy of Valerie’s new book “Devotedly” It is a gem of a book telling the story of her mother and father’s courtship and of their devotion to God and to one another. You can find Devotedly at and also on Amazon.
Devotedly – An Interview with Valarie Shepard
Hello my Friends! I am so thrilled that you are joining me for this very special episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast!
On this episode I have a very special guest. Valerie Elliot Shepard is the daughter to Jim and Elisabeth Elliot missionaries to Ecuador. Valerie was so kind to share the story of how God brought her parents together and used them to engage in kingdom work for His glory. It was a joy to hear from Valerie, and I know you are going to be greatly blessed!
This story is a powerful testimony of what God can do through those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him. You will hear how Jim and Elisabeth were devoted first of all to their God and then to each other.
Valerie also shares about her new book “Devotedly” where she tells the story of the courtship of her parents. The book contains many of the letters they wrote back and forth to each other before they were married, and I was so impressed at the level of spiritual maturity they possessed at such young ages.
I so appreciate Val taking the time to share on the podcast, and the exciting thing is that she will be back with me again next week for a different conversation about motherhood. Val is the mother of eight children and has a lot of wisdom to share from her years of raising her own family. I hope you will come back next week for that conversation!
Truths from the Teaching of Amy Carmichael

Recently one of my daughters read the YWAM biography about the life of Amy Carmichael. Throughout my life I have also been impacted by this lady’s devotion to Christ, and I desire to continue to learn more about her in the years to come.
On today’s episode of the podcast I am sharing a little from one of Amy’s books called Fragments that Remain, and I pray that your heart will be strengthened as we glean from Amy’s wisdom.
The State of Our Quarantine

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Hello my Friends, here we are entering another week of quarantine, and I thought it might be interesting to record an episode sharing what we have been up to during this unprecedented time of being quarantined at home.
I hope that you enjoy hearing about our little farmstead and the projects we have been keeping ourselves busy with, and I hope that the Scriptures I share will be a strength to your heart. I feel like my own heart can easily grow faint during this time of so much uncertainty, but I am finding that it is God’s Word that stabilizes my emotions and helps me to think rightly. I encourage you to be in the Word and renewing your minds with the truths of God’s eternal promises. We need those assurances especially in times like these.
May the Lord grant us the grace to wait patiently upon Him and to be a light to those who see us and may ask the reason for the hope that lies within us. Enjoy the extra time with your family, and I would love to hear from you. What are you doing to stay busy during these days, weeks, and possibly months of staying home? May the Lord bless you with His grace and peace.
A Solid Rock In Troubled Times

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Hello Friends, I hope that this post finds you healthy and trusting the Lord through these unprecedented days of this pandemic. I recorded this episode right before everything broke out with this pandemic, but it is full of Biblical encouragement to stable our hearts through the challenges our world is currently facing. I hope this episode is an encouraging reminder that our foundation is in Christ alone. Regardless of how our society may be turned upside down right now, we have a sure footing upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ.
Celebrating the 100th Episode of The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast!

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Hello my friends! We are celebrating the 100th episode of The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast today! It seems like I just started this podcast, and just like that we are already celebrating the 100th episode. The Lord has been good, and it truly is a joy for me to be able to share with you each week by means of the podcast.
I hope you will enjoy listening to this week’s episode where my husband Matt and I share about how the podcast started and what the Lord is doing with it. Please help us celebrate by sharing this podcast with your friends both through word of mouth and through sharing on your social media sites. It is our desire that the Lord will continue growing our reach so that more ladies will be encouraged to be tethered to the Word of God and find encouragement for the journey. Be sure to listen and find out about the free give-away we are doing this week!
The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. – Psalm 126:3
This is a great time to reach out to me if you have not already done so. I LOVE to connect with podcast listeners and here are some great ways that we can connect. Please introduce yourself and share with me how the podcast has encouraged you!
Thank you for listening and may the Lord grant you a joyful week resting in Him.
Waiting on the Lord Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Hello Friends, I hope that you are doing well and that the Lord’s mercies are a strength to you during this unprecedented time that we are walking through. On today’s episode of the podcast I talk about waiting upon the Lord during this time when we are not even sure what normal is anymore.
It is encouraging to remember the Sovereignty of God during times like this and to acknowledge that He has not fallen off of His throne. The Lord is not taken by surprise by this virus, and He is with us as we walk through these unchartered waters.
I know that there are many stresses and concerns that we all are facing, but I hope that the things I share on this episode will be fortifying to you and offer Biblical encouragement.
Our God Is With Us

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Hello Friends, this past week has been like none other in my entire life. Circumstances have been changing daily due to the Coronavirus pandemic. We have been seeing what it means to truly trust the Lord day by day in the midst of all the uncertainty.
As the Lord would have it I had already recorded this podcast episode before I ever knew what would be happening in our world this week. I pray that this episode will be a comforting reminder to you that our God is with us at all times and in all circumstances. This Coronavirus is no surprise to our Sovereign Lord and He is with us.
I believe that this can be an opportunity for believers to offer the hope of Christ to the lost world as they see us walking in faith and doing what we can to assist others sharing with those in need. May the Lord hold you and your family close and protect you through this challenging time.
Talking About the Why of Homeschooling
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Hello Friends, on today’s episode of the podcast I talk about why my husband and I have chosen the path of homeschooling for our seven children.
Our core motivation for homeschooling is family discipleship, and in this episode I share how we are attempting to train our children for Christ through all of our living and learning.
If there was ever a time to fully embrace this model of teaching our children diligently all through the day and night, now is the time. We are raising children in a time of great moral confusion, and we need to be equipping our young people to be able to stand against the tides of evil in their generation. Homeschooling is not the Savior, but my husband and I believe that it is a powerful tool to lead our children in the truth and give them a vision for kingdom-minded priorities.
A Legacy of Faith for Young Ladies
On this week’s episode Matt and I are sharing about another resource that is also on its way to the printer. This is a project that I have poured a lot of my heart into and am so excited about. It is a picture book for young ladies called A legacy of Faith for Young Ladies. In this story I take many of the truths that I shared in my book Legacy Reflections of a Homeschooled Homeschooling Mama and present them to younger girls in a way that is engaging for mothers and daughters to enjoy together.
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Young ladies in this generation need gospel-driven Biblical direction today more than ever before. The culture is a confusing place for today’s young lady, and this picture book was written to encourage young ladies with Biblical vision for how the Lord can use them to carry on the truth of God’s eternal word into the next generation.
This book is very special to me, because it contains much of my own personal story of being raised in the faith and also because my oldest daughter created the artwork for it. We are really excited to make this resource available hopefully within the next few weeks. We will definitely keep you posted as to when and where you can get copies of both the Scripture writing journals and A Legacy of Faith for Young Ladies. Our prayer is that these resources will be an encouragement to many.
The Word Study Scripture Writing Journal for Ladies

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All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16 ESV
Hello Friends, I am excited to share with you today about a brand new resource that my husband and I have been working on to encourage ladies to get into the Word of God and meditate on it. You can hear all about our brand new Word Study Scripture Writing Journal for Ladies on this episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast.
Ladies today are often juggling so many responsibilities and demands that it can be a real struggle to get into the Word and see the transforming power it has in our lives. In creating this journal my husband and I are hoping to put a practical tool in the hands of ladies to encourage them to get a daily dose of meditation on a short passage of God’s Word. Through using the journal we pray that ladies will reap the benefits of looking at a quick Hebrew or Greek word study to enhance the passage. The beautiful thing is that the word study has already been done for you and is printed out on each day’s Scripture Writing page.
Scripture writing has become popular, and one of the many benefits is that when we take the time to actually write down something it helps to cement it into our memories. I often like to take notes at conferences and at church, because I know that when I write something down it helps me better internalize the truths I am hearing.
That is our hope for this new Scripture Writing Journal. We want ladies to have a doable plan for taking in a small portion of Scripture daily, writing it down, reading a word study definition, and then having a place to write an application and a prayer focus. Then the idea is to take that study with you throughout the day asking the Lord to help you apply it in your life.
We are so excited to make this Scripture Writing journal available, and our hope is to add future volumes. This first journal is meant to last for about three months worth of journaling and focuses on needs of the heart such as comfort, peace, encouragement, etc. We pray you will be blessed and encouraged.
The Benefits of Scripture Memory

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On today’s episode of the podcast I am talking with my friend Brittany Schlichter about her involvement with the National Bible Bee! I loved hearing Brittany’s testimony of how God has and still is using Scripture memory in her life.
As a little girl I was encouraged to memorize Scripture, and those verses that I memorized as a child are still the ones that I can most easily recall. It has often been said that the minds of children are like little sponges. God created children with an amazing ability to memorize things, so our young people have a real opportunity to more easily memorize Scripture when they are young.
I think you will be inspired to hear Brittany’s story about all God has done in her life through memorizing many BOOKS of the Bible and through her participation in the National Bible Bee. Brittany testifies to the impact that God’s Word has made in her life, and I think you will be greatly encouraged!
I am including a link in this post to where you can find out about the National Bible Bee competition. Whether or not you are interested in having your children involved in the Bible Bee, I pray that this interview will encourage you to highly esteem the Word of God in your family. I know it has really been inspiring to me.
Thank you for listening to this podcast; I so appreciate you! I would love it if you would connect with me and let me know that you are listening. Click the social media icons at the top of the page.
Love Your Family Well

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Happy Valentine’s Week, Everyone! On today’s episode of the podcast I am talking about remembering God’s love for us and in turn loving our families and those around us well.
God is truly the source of love, and when we know Him His love should pour out of us to those around us. Sometimes showing love is not easy, and we have to make an intentional choice to allow Christ to love through us.
On this episode we will look at the famous love chapter from I Corinthians 13 and talk about what love is and is not as well as some applications for our lives as wives and mothers. I appreciate you listening today, and I would love it if you would share this podcast with your friends. Leaving a quick review and star rating on Amazon is a great way to help get the word out about the podcast to more ladies.
Tips For Homeschool Planning

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Whenever it comes to homeschool planning or creating a new family routine I have learned how vitally important it is for me to ask wisdom from the Lord. The Lord knows my family better than I do, and He knows what is ahead in the future. It is a comfort to me to begin my planning with prayer trusting in the faithfulness of God to guide me.
On today’s episode of the podcast I am sharing three tips for homeschool planning and creating a family routine. I think the principles I share could be applied to many different kinds of decision making and planning, and I hope that they will be an encouragement to you.
Are you already in planning mode for next school year? Are you attending a homeschool convention this spring? It can be helpful to be thinking ahead of time about what you might want to plan so that you can enter the convention with some ideas to guide you.
I will be speaking at three Teach Them Diligently conventions this year. Just click the events tab on this website to see where you can find me. I would love to meet you at one of these events!
I hope that you have a blessed week in the Lord. Thank you for listening to the podcast, and may the Lord supply you with much wisdom and grace as you serve Him this week.
Practical Tips For Home Management

Hello Friends, I think the flu hit our family this past week with no survivors. We are in survival mode, but thankfully I recorded this week’s podcast before the plague hit us. 🙂 I pray it will be a blessing to you.
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I hope that this week’s episode will encourage you with some practical ideas and also with a reminder about the importance of the work God has given us to do in loving and serving others. I love this quote from Charles Spurgeon which speaks to the great importance of homemaking.

May the Lord give us all strength and encouragement for the tasks He has called us to. Have a blessed week, Dear Ladies.
Things Mentioned in This Episode of the Podcast: (Affiliate Link)
Persevering for the Glory of God

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My Friends, I cannot believe that we are already this far into the first month of the new year! This month has been flying by even though this is the slower part of the year for our family.
On today’s episode of the podcast I am talking about persevering for the glory of God even when we feel stretched and worn thin. I know January can often be a less than stellar month for many homeschool moms. It is often the case that enthusiasm can be waning by this time in the school year, and having children cooped up indoors can get old quickly.
I pray that this episode is an encouraging reminder that our Lord provides the grace we need for each season of our lives, and His presence will enable us to persevere even during the long and dreary days.
Reflections From Prince Edward Island

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Hello Friends! I am excited about this episode of the podcast, because on today’s episode I am sharing about the recent trip my husband and I took to Prince Edward Island. This was a dream trip for me, and I want to share with you some of my take-aways from our time there.

A few pictures from our trip.

Thank you for tuning into the podcast, and may the Lord bless you and keep you until we meet again.
Embracing Another Year and Another Decade with Intentionality

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It is mind boggling to think that we have entered another decade and a bit sobering to think where I will be when this new decade passes. At that point I will have mostly children in their twenties! That sure does put perspective on the need to be faithful and intentional in the precious fleeting days God has given me with my children.
On this episode of the podcast we talk about making wise use of our time and break it down into some specific priorities we should focus on in order to steward our time wisely.
I mentioned, in the podcast, that we have a brand new store up and running right here on this website. I am so excited to be able to offer my followers a place to go for resources to strengthen families and cultivate family discipleship. I encourage you to click on the shop button and check out the things we currently have listed. Our plan is to continue adding more resources with time.
I would love to hear from you and what your plans are for the new year and this new decade. May the Lord grant us the wisdom and strength to redeem each day for His glory.
White As Snow

It is Christmas week, everyone! Merry Christmas! On today’s episode of the podcast. I share some things that have been happening in our family (Don’t miss the new kitty and the fried computer stories 🙂 and I discuss the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus.
It is Christmas week, everyone! Merry Christmas! On today’s episode of the podcast. I share some things that have been happening in our family (Don’t miss the new kitty and the fried computer stories 🙂 and I discuss the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus.
Choosing a Peaceful Christmas

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14
Choosing a Missions Minded Christmas with Ann Dunagan

On this episode I had the privilege of interviewing my sweet friend Ann Dunagan. Ann is full of life, encouragement, and passion for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ! She is a veteran homeschool mom to seven children who are all seeking to fulfill the great commission in their generation. Ann has been an encourager and cheerleader in my life, and I am confident that you will be encouraged by hearing her heart for living with an eternal perspective.
In our discussion, Ann and I talk about creative ways that we can be living on mission for Jesus during the Christmas season. Christmastime offers our families unique opportunities to share Christ, so on this episode Ann and I discuss some ways families can engage in the great commission during the holiday season.
Ladies, I hope you have been encouraged by this discussion about living on mission for Jesus Christ! If so, would you consider leaving a star rating on iTunes and a short review? Those ratings and reviews go a long ways in helping other mothers to find the podcast. We read each one and really appreciate them!
Below is the link to the Scripture Roles mentioned in the podcast.
May the Lord bless you abundantly this week and may we all seek to live on mission for Jesus Christ as we walk in light of eternity. I appreciate you all!
Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart
Hello and Happy Thanksgiving week! This morning I have a song running through my head that says:
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say, “I am strong”
Let the poor say, “I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us”
Give thanks with a grateful heart (with a grateful heart)
Give thanks to the Holy One (to the Holy One)
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son

On today’s episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast, we are talking about giving thanks for Jesus Who is the supreme blessing above all other blessings. If we have Christ, we have great treasure regardless of anything else going on in our lives.
On this episode we look at Ephesians chapter two and are reminded of the magnitude of what Christ did for us while we were still dead in our trespasses and sins. We can be grateful for our homes, good food, fun times, traditions, and material blessings, but let us also take this week to remember to be grateful for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. He is the giver of all the good gifts. May we love and desire the Giver more than the gifts. May we desire the Blesser more than the blessings. May we look to Him and give thanks.
Preparing For Thanksgiving

It is hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving week! On today’s episode of the podcast I talk about the importance of being a thankful people and share some practical ideas on ways to bring more faith and gratitude into our Thanksgiving celebrations.
Gratefulness is not something I see a lot of in the culture at large, and so I think that cultivating gratitude is just another way the christian is called to swim upstream and live by a different set of priorities.
I also think that thankfulness is not something that comes natural to our human flesh, so this is another area for God’s Holy Spirit to grow us to be more like Christ Jesus our Lord.
I would love to hear ideas for how you celebrate Thanksgiving in your family. Do you have some intentional ways that you are encouraging your family towards gratitude this year? You can connect with me in the following ways:
- Follow me on facebook:
- Follow me on Twitter
I hope you all have a very blessed week preparing for Thanksgiving, and I would love to hear from you. Also, if you have a chance to leave a star rating and even a short review over at iTunes, those reviews go a long ways in helping other mothers find out about the podcast. May the Lord bless you abundantly this week!
Colossians 2:6-7 Part V Overflowing with Thankfulness

Hello Friends! Last week I did not post a podcast, because I was traveling across several states with my children. Today we are jumping back into our series from Colossians chapter two and finishing the series up with a discussion about thankfulness.
The Scripture commands us to give thanks and to be a grateful people. Sadly in our culture today, we have to be intentionally swimming upstream to live a lifestyle of gratitude. Our culture is often one of whining and complaining about every little inconvenience instead of resting in the Sovereignty of our God Who knows what is best for His people.
I hope that this episode encourages us all to dwell on the goodness of the Lord and on helping our families cultivate grateful hearts. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but we do not want to merely think about our blessings on one day of the year. Instead may the Lord help us to grow in an ongoing lifestyle of gratitude for Jesus and His great salvation along with all the other blessings He bestows upon us. What are you grateful for today? I would love to hear from you!
Colossians 2:6-7 Part IV Established In The Faith

Ruth’s husband, Mat joins her on the podcast to discuss being established in the faith. One way this is done is by learning how to defend it. This is called Christian apologetics. On this episode we talk about ways we can teach our children to defend what they believe and thus have confidence in what they believe. Thanks for listening.
Colossians 2:6-7 Part III Families Rooted and Built Up in Christ
Welcome back to the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast! Today we are continuing in our study of Colossians 2:6-7 and focusing on being rooted and built up in Christ.
On this episode we discuss a few ways that we can be built up in our faith. We touch on the importance of good church fellowship, godly friendships, mentorship, and growing through the trials and storms of life.
Colossians 2:6-7 Part II Helping Our Families Walk with the Lord

Hello Friends, this last week my husband and I celebrated our twentieth anniversary. We were blessed to be able to take a very special trip to Prince Edward Island where we toured the Lucy Maud Montgomery/Anne of Green Gables history. After a challenging year of moving and sending our oldest daughter off to college it was so nice to get away to a quiet, serene place and enjoy a slower pace.
My husband and I have many goals in our lives, but our greatest desire is that our family will walk with the Lord and further His kingdom and His righteousness. On this week’s episode of the podcast we are looking again at Colossians 2:6-7 and focusing on practical ways of leading our families to walk with Jesus.
Colossians 2:6-7 Introduction

Happy Fall, Everyone! On today’s podcast we begin a new five-part series on Colossians 2:6-7.
I have planned to break down this series like this:
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Helping Our Families Walk with Christ
- Part 3: Being Rooted and Built Up in Christ
- Part 4. Being Established or Strengthened in the Faith
- Part 5: Overflowing with Thankfulness
Preparing this short series has been an encouragement to me, and I look forward to sharing these episodes with you! I encourage you to either meditate on or memorize these two verses from Colossians and to pray that the Lord will apply them to your heart and your particular circumstances.
Thank you so much for tuning into the podcast; please continue to share with friends and to leave those comments on iTunes. Each comment is an encouragement to me and helps other moms to find out about the podcast. Have a blessed week, my Friends!
I Can’t Believe You Just Said That: An Interview with Ginger Hubbard

Do you ever grow weary of your children whining, complaining, fighting, tattling, etc? On today’s episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast I’m talking with Ginger Hubbard, author of the book “I Can’t Believe You Just Said That.” I greatly appreciate the way Ginger shares practical wisdom from God’s Word on how to get to the heart of the sinful behaviors we see in our children. It isn’t enough to just correct the outward behaviors in our children; we need to probe deeper and deal with the heart issues that are manifesting the sinful behaviors.
I think you are going to be so encouraged by the truths Ginger shares straight from the Word of God! There really is a manual that comes with parenting; it is the Word of God, and Ginger offers life-giving encouragement for weary and discouraged parents.
For all things Ginger Hubbard I encourage you towards her website http://ginger
You can also connect with Ginger on Instagram at
Christ Our Eternal Hope

Sometimes life circumstances hit very hard and we need to remember that our hope is in Christ alone. He is our only sure foundation, and He is able to carry us through turbulent waters during the worst of life’s storms. On today’s episode of the podcast my husband, Matt, joins me to talk about clinging to hope in Jesus Christ when we have no other hope.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, 5 who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials
1 Peter 3:3-6 ESV
Homeschool Bravely, An Interview with Jamie Erickson

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 ESV
Hello Friends! Have you ever been plagued with fears in your homeschool journey? I know so many homeschooling mamas enter the world of homeschooling with the fear that somehow they are going to mess their children up, not be enough for their children, or a host of other concerns.
My guest for this episode of the podcast is Jamie Erickson author of the book Homeschool Bravely
I really enjoyed talking to Jamie, and I think you are going to be encouraged by hearing the wisdom she shared! I hope you will take time to listen, share with friends, and leave a review on iTunes.
You can connect with Jamie in these ways:
Jamie is also the co-host on the Mom 2 Mom Podcast. You can listen to that podcast here:
I encourage you to check out Jamie’s book and podcast and to connect with her on social media. I know you will be encouraged!
Standing Strong in the Midst of Struggles

Hello Friends! Sometimes life is just plain hard, and sometimes our hearts can feel faint from the things we see happening around us. So often when I go online I see one disturbing news story after another. Social media has put so much more before our eyes, and day after day we see stories of people who are sick, straying from the faith, dying, and experiencing much pain. Jesus told us that we would face trouble in this world, but He also told us to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world.
On today’s episode of the Legacy Homeschool Refections Podcast I discuss standing strong when struggles surround us. We can be encouraged that even though we will face sadness, defeat, suffering and death in this life we know that we can be more than conquerors through Him Who loved us. I want to encourage you today that:
He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 ESV
The Power of the Word of God in Parenting

Hello Friends! This week I have been thinking about the precious gift the Word of God is to us as ladies, mothers, and homeschool moms. God’s Word is living, powerful, able to penetrate hard hearts, able to extend hope, and able to give us direction when we are at a loss for what to do.
On today’s episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections podcast I am talking about the power of the Word of God.
One way that I am spending time in the Word with my children is through our morning circle time. Beyond that I am trying to have intentional conversations with them throughout the day where we discuss verses that apply to life situations. My husband also reads the Word to the family when he gets home at night. These are ways we are endeavoring to have a culture of constantly bringing our children back to the Scriptures. I would love to hear your ideas for how you are letting the Word dwell richly in your family.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16 ESV
Families Serving the Lord Together
On today’s episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast we discuss the importance of family ministry. I believe that homeschooling opens up beautiful opportunities for our families to engage in various ministries together.
We homeschoolers have more flexibility in our schedules and thus can travel more freely as well as fit in other opportunities to be about ministry together. Whether offering hospitality in our homes, working in our local churches, playing instruments at a rest home, or a host of other areas of service our families can join hands and be busy doing kingdom work.
There are many important things we will want to teach our children in our homeschools, and I think the joy of serving the Lord is one of those important things we should be teaching our children. When they are busy serving God and serving others they will have joy, fulfillment and less time for self-centeredness. May the Lord help us all to lead our families to serve His kingdom purposes with eternity in our hearts.
Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.
Psalm 100:2
Keeping Focused on Jesus

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33 ESV
On this episode of the podcast I am sharing about the importance of keeping Christ at the very center of all of our living and learning. Matthew 6:33 is one of my favorite verses, because it encourages me to keep Jesus as the central focus in our homeschool days.
I would love to hear how you are seeking the Lord first in you family, in your homeschool, and in your personal life. You can connect with me on facebook at:
Helpful Tips, Ordering Your Homeschool Day

Psalm 90:12
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.
Every family is unique, and what works in my homeschool may not be the right fit for your family, but I do think having some kind of plan in place will serve our families well. I have found that at least having a loose flow of events in place helps create smoother flowing days.
Helpful Tips for a New Homeschool Year
Hi Friends! Have you started back to homeschool yet? I have been purchasing school supplies and thinking about the year ahead. This episode of the podcast is about preparing for a new year of home education.
Next week I plan to follow up with some practical how-to tips, but for this week let’s focus on the foundational elements of a healthy family and homeschool environment. Thanks for listening!
Courtship, Dating, & Falling Away
How should Christians pursue finding godly spouses? Is there a one size fits all formula for everyone? I don’t think so, but I do believe that there are Biblical principles that do work for all. I pray that this episode of the podcast offers encouragement for those who have been shaken by the Josh Harris news headlines the past couple of weeks.
Sadly, many today are wanting to throw out Biblical principles, and many are also diving into the deep pool of apostasy. Joshua Harris, author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye” has come out with some disturbing statements lately. Of all the alarming things he said, this one really pierces my heart. Josh said on Instagram that:
The information that was left out of our announcement is that I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus, “The popular phrase for this is ‘deconstruction,’ the biblical phrase is ‘falling away.’ By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian. Many people tell me that there is a different way to practice faith and I want to remain open to this, but I’m not there now.
Joshua Harris
Josh has recanted his book and has separated from his wife. He has furthermore come out in support of the LGBTQ+ community. He has denied the authority of the Word of God and said that his views about Jesus have undergone a massive shift.
In light of this heartbreaking news I asked my husband Matt to come on the podcast for a discussion on the topics of courtship, dating, and the widespread apostasy we are witnessing in the church today.
Our hearts are heavy for Josh and his wife Shannon and for all who are falling away from believing in the truth of God’s Word. I have been praying for them, and I hope that you will too.
Our intent in recording this episode was to bring hope to those of you who may be feeling shaken by this news and to seek to point us all back to Jesus, the gospel, and the unshakable authority of the Word of God.
Our desire is for us all to think Biblically and to use Biblical principles regardless of whether we use the term courtship or dating. Thank you for listening, and I would love to hear from you!
Less Pride, More Humility
Hello Friends, this week’s episode of the podcast is about pride versus humility. Our culture so values pride that we often forget that this is not a characteristic that pleases the Lord.
When pride comes, then comes disgrace,
Proverbs 11:2
but with the humble is wisdom.
Instead of pride the Bible teaches us that we should be humble before our God. Pride seems to be one of those deadly sins that often brings down people in devastating ways, and it is definitely something for us to guard against. May the Lord grant us grace to walk humbly with our God.
Two Generations Behind the Microphone

Psalm 126:3
The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.
Friends, time is marching on so quickly, I cannot believe that we have already graduated our oldest from our homeschool! I also cannot believe that four decades have passed since my own parents began homeschooling me back in those pre-historic days of the homeschooling movement.
On this episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast I sit down at the microphone and chat with my daughter about her experiences being homeschooled and also share from my own experiences so long ago.
In talking to Lauren it is interesting that we both appreciate some of the same things about being homeschooled even though we were home educated in two very different eras.
It is our hope that by listening you will be encouraged for a new homeschool year. Sometimes it is very helpful just to remember what our end goals are and why we have chosen home education in the first place.
To me home education is about so much more than academics; it is a beautiful opportunity to build relationships with our children and to disciple their hearts for Christ.
As you approach a new homeschool year I encourage you to remember to seek first kingdom priorities. We can trust that everything else (including acadmemics) will be added when we seek the Lord first.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
For more homeschool encouragement I encourage you to check out my book Legacy Reflections of a Homeschooled Homeschooling Mama
If this podcast has been an encouragement to you, would you consider leaving a star rating and review on iTunes? Each review makes the podcast more visible to other mamas, and it is my desire to spread the word so more moms will be encouraged. We really appreciate your help in this; thank you so much! Have a blessed week!
Talking About Our Big Move
It has been a good while since I have posted anything on this website or published a new podcast. As many of you know our family has been undergoing a huge transition from our farm to a smaller farm across town. I will be honest with you…..this has been really hard. It has been hard physically and emotionally leaving the farm we loved so much and adapting to change, but God has been faithful.
“God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”
I Corinthians 1:9
We are now fully moved into our new home, and while we still have a lot of unpacking to do, we are happy to finally be settling into our new place. On this episode of the podcast my husband Matt joins me again to talk about some of our experiences through this move, why we moved, and what the Lord has been teaching us through the move.
Thank you for stopping by and tuning into the podcast, and I would love to hear from you. You can find me on facebook at:
Also, I am so grateful for each and every review listeners leave on iTunes. I read each one, and the reviews help the podcast to become more visible for other Mamas to find and be encouraged.
Have you recently moved? Are you thinking about moving? Do you live in the country or the city? I would love to hear your experiences and where the Lord currently has you. Wherever we are may we live fully for His kingdom purposes. Have a blessed week!
Choosing Higher Ground

Good morning, Friends! I hope that you Mamas had a blessed Mother’s Day yesterday. Our family went to church and then spent the rest of the day at our new house setting some things up. This move between houses is taking a lot of time, but we are making progress and excited over seeing this process eventually completed.
As we were loading the van yesterday, to drive back to our old house, my arms were loaded as I was trying to get myself and a lot of stuff into the passenger seat of the van. I had my phone in my hands and tragically set it in this little cubby on the van door. I knew I needed to quickly move it, but I just needed to set it there for a minute. At that same time a distraction came from a child in the back, so I turned around to see about that. At this very moment my dear husband came to close my door, because he is a gentleman like that. You should have heard the crack of the cell phone as it was split in half and the glass shattered. We both felt bad. I felt upset that I had put it in that cubby at all; I should have known better, and he felt bad that he shut the door. Of course we both feel bad that now we have to buy a new phone.
As we were driving home we passed a terrible accident above us on the freeway. Traffic was stalled, and we saw Life Flight flying away from the scene. At that moment we were reminded that our trials, such as a destroyed cell phone, are so trivial and small compared to something like this terrible wreck. It helped bring things into perspective.
After that we continued our hour long journey back to our old house, and some of our girls started singing some of their favorite Patch the Pirate songs which made my husband and I laugh. Some of the lyrics to some of his adventure songs are just full of wit and humor. I told the girls how thankful I was that they were singing, because it was cheering up my heart.
Now I need to take time to go get a new phone and hopefully restore my pictures from the old phone. That is my main concern. I have years of videos and pictures that I would be heartsick to lose. My husband was able to back up my phone to my laptop, so we think we will be ok.
Sometimes trials and frustrations come, but the Bible tells us to not be surprised by that. In today’s podcast I’m sharing on the topic of taking higher ground for the glory of God. Everyday we have choices as to the paths we will take, the priorities we will embrace, and the responses we will have to life circumstances. In all these things I hope that we will be encouraged to make choices that glorify Christ. This is not the way of the culture, but it is the way of the Lord. Our purpose is to bring Him glory. May you be encouraged and blessed today!
His Grace is Sufficient

Remembering that God is always my refuge and strength gives me an undergirding that helps me to persevere through difficult times. On today’s podcast we are looking at Psalm 46 and remembering that we are never alone no matter our circumstances. I pray this episode will be an encouragement to you.
Trusting God Through the Changing Seasons

In this episode Ruth talks about the difficulties of changing seasons in motherhood and how we can trust or Lord Jesus Christ through those changes.
The Bible Stands

It’s Monday morning, and another week has been given us to serve the Lord in our homes. This week’s podcast is about the inerrancy, authority, and relativity of the Bible.
Much is changing in our fast-paced world, but I find it very comforting that the Word of God is a constant that does not change. It stands firm in the heavens.
I pray that this podcast encourages you to look to God’s Word as your daily guide, to trust it, and to stand upon it as a solid foundation for your family. Let’s hold this one book above all others. Blessings to you all!
Consecrated Families

Welcome to this episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast where our topic is consecrating our families to the Lord and His service.
There are many areas that we can set apart or consecrate to our Lord, but in this podcast I touched on three of those areas. I discuss ideas for consecrating the areas of time, academics/learning and our affections especially in the area of entertainment. I pray that it will be an encouragement to you!
When You Feel Like Quitting Homeschooling

Welcome back to the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast. In today’s episode I’m talking about what to do when you feel like throwing in the towel on homeschooling. I hope you will find fresh vision and encouragement to press on, to not grow weary, and to keep the long term perspective that will help you to persevere.
I know what it is to feel tired, weary, and discouraged. It is when we anchor our hearts in the eternal truths of God’s Word that we can have the strength we need to persevere I hope this episode encourages your heart.
Using the Right Measuring Stick
In today’s episode of the podcast I am encouraging you to measure your success in homeschooling with the right measuring stick. I pray that you will be encouraged! Have a blessed week!
Remembering God’s Amazing Love

In today’s episode of the podcast we discuss the great love of God for us. His love calls, redeems, justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies us. As the old Wesley hymn says, “Amazing love, how can it be, that thou my God would die for me?”

Then we go on to discuss how we can extend the love we have been given to our families, giving them a beautiful picture of Christ’s love for them too. I hope you will be blessed!
As always, please keep in touch. I love to hear from listeners. You can follow me on facebook @legacyhomeschoolreflections or just look up Ruth L Adams. Have a blessed week!
A Teacup Story

Recently my oldest child turned eighteen! I really wanted to make her celebration extra special, so she and I planned an elegant tea party for her special day.
In today’s podcast I talk about some of the things that were shared at the tea party, and I hope you enjoy the story of the teacup! Have a blessed week, friends!
Homeschool Burnout
Good morning, Friends! It’s a new week to glorify God in our hearts and homes. I hope this episode of the podcast will be an encouragement to your hearts. It is my reflection back on how I believe being homeschooled was a blessing in my life. If you are struggling to get through this winter season, I hope this encourages you to press on looking forward with a long term vision. Have a wonderful week!
Gleaning Wisdom from Charles and Susie
Welcome back to the latest episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast. The subject for today’s episode is gleaning wisdom from Charles Spurgeon and his wife Susannah. I loved chatting with my husband Matt, and we pray you will be encouraged!
We touched on various topics today, but we tried to make a lot of our gleanings applicable to marriage and raising a family. You can listen here:
May the Lord bless you this week, and may we all be found faithful in loving Christ and discipling our families. Blessings to you all!
The Blessings of Family Worship

Goodmorning Everyone, I just returned from our vacation house, in Ohio’s Amish country, where my husband and I recorded this podcast together. The subject of our discussion today is all about family worship; we talk about why it is important, ideas for cultivating the practice in our homes, and blessings we have seen from it. We pray that you will be encouraged.
I would love to hear your ideas for family worship and what this looks like in your family. May the Lord bless you, and thank you for listening to the podcast!
Remembering the Love of God During Valentine’s Week
This is Valentine’s week, and on today’s podcast I am talking about resting in the love of God and extending that love to those around us.
Would you consider sharing this podcast with your friends? My prayer is that more ladies will hear about the podcast and receive encouragement for the journey. May the Lord bless you this week and may we all remember how great is the love of God towards us.
Blessing the Lord at All Times

Welcome to episode 48 of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast. Today we are taking a look at Psalm 34 and finding encouragement to live a lifestyle of blessing the Lord at all times.
May the Lord be with you as we start another week and seek to proclaim His praises in all that we do. I appreciate you listening and would love it if you would share with your friends about the podcast. Have a wonderful week!
Seeking an Eternal Perspective with Katie LaPierre
Hello Friends! I am really excited over this week’s episode of the podcast. I had such a great time interviewing Katie LaPierre about her brand new 31 Day Devotional and Journal. This resource is meant to encourage women towards an eternal perspective in their roles as wives and mothers.
Katie had so many wise things to share, so I encourage you to tune in and listen and to check out her ministry and new book! May we all be looking upward and setting our eyes on things above this week. Blessings to you all!
Connect with Katie at
A-Z Encouragements for Busy Mamas

Good morning, Ladies! As we start this new week I want to offer you some encouragement from the Word of God. In this episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast I go through the alphabet sharing a little nugget of encouragement for each letter. I hope your heart is strengthened as we remember the heart of the Father towards us and the strength and enablement He provides when we abide in Him.
I would be so grateful if you would leave a review on iTunes and share this podcast with your friends. Thank you for listening, and I pray this is a blessing to you! Have a great week!
Training the Hearts of Our Children Towards Obedience Part II

Welcome back for part two of my interview with Crystal Wagner on the importance of training the hearts of our children towards obedience. Last week we focused on the importance, need for and blessings of training. This week we will be talking about some practical ways of training the hearts of our children towards obedience and respect. In this episode Crystal shares some great ideas for training while gaining the heart of the child, and I think you will be blessed!
You can find Crystal Wagner and her posts and resources on obedience all over at
Training Our Children Towards Obedience / Part 1 of My Interview with Crystal Wagner
Hello Friends,
It is another week for us to seek the Lord and serve Him as we nurture our families for His glory. I think you are in for a treat the next two weeks as I am posting my recent interviews with homeschool mom and speaker Crystal Wagner.
Part one of our discussion is about the importance of training our children to obey while getting to their hearts, and part two will get more into the practical side of how to do this. I think you will enjoy what Crystal has to share.
If you are enjoying the podcast, would you consider leaving a quick review on Amazon and also sharing the podcast with your friends? That would bless me so much; thank you!
Oftentimes this winter season can be long for homeschool moms, and sometimes we need renewed vision to press into the work of training our children. I pray this two part recording will encourage us all to not grow weary but to diligently train our children as the Lord has called us to do.
I hope that you can connect with Crystal through her media sites and be encouraged. Blessings to you all!
You can find the RSS feed of the last 10 podcast in the menu to the right.
I found you on A Wise Woman Builds Her Home! As a homeschooler, I’m pretty excited to see you have a podcast. I’ll subscribe to it ASAP! Blessings!
Hello Amy! Thank you for visiting my website and for your enthusiasm about the podcast. May the Lord bless you!
First time visiting. #ThoughtfulThursdays
Thanks for stopping by, Calleen! Blessings to you!
Just found your great blog on W to W… I will be coming back! Blessings, Glenys
Thank you for stopping by, Glenys! May the Lord bless you!
It looks like you have several episode’s I’ll enjoy. I just subscribed. Visiting from a Wise Woman Builds her Home.
Jo Lynn,
I am so glad that you stopped by and subscribed to the podcast! May the Lord bless you!
Such wonderful messages! Thank you for sharing. I can’t wait to show this to my family.
Rebecca, thank you for listening! I appreciate your encouragement; may the Lord bless!
What great insights! Such great things to ponder. Thank you!
My children and even my grandchildren are almost all grown but I do remember those homeschooling years. It can be hard at times. As I’ve listened to my own children and friends with their homeschooling experiences, it seems like the first year is the hardest before you figure out what really works but I know there can be other struggles, as well. What a blessing that you have a podcast to help other homeschoolers.