I grew up reading their story in books, hearing her voice on the radio, and even seeing her speak in person once. My life has been greatly impacted by the legacy and testimony of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot. As a wife and mother I have often drawn strength from the writings of Elisabeth Elliot as I am sure many of you have as well.
It was a great joy to interview Jim and Elisabeth Elliot’s daughter Valerie Shephard and hear her tell the story of her parents’ devotion to God and to each other. Valerie is the mother of eight grown children and the author of the book Devotedly which tells the love story of her parents. I know you will enjoy hearing this inspiring testimony of what God did through the lives of two people whose hearts were completely devoted to Him.

May we never underestimate what God can do in and through our families if we too will live our lives completely and totally devoted to His Lordship.