Welcome back to the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast available through this sound bar and also over at iTunes. Today we are talking about God being our refuge, protector, and strong tower during current events happening in our nation.
Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 109: The Lord Our Protector
I hope this episode will be a strength to your heart and a blessed reminder that if God is for us, who can be against us. There is much trouble abounding, and yet God has not fallen off of His throne. He sits exalted in the heavens and is still Sovereign over our lives. We can trust in Him and look up fixing our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen.
These troubling times are an opportunity for us to remember that this world is not our home and to live intentionally in light of eternity. I always love to hear from my listeners, so please reach out. You can connect with me in multiple ways:
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May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you until we meet again.