Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 105: Discussion on Motherhood with Valerie Shepard
Hello Friends, I hope that you were able to hear the podcast episode last week where I talked to Valerie Elliot Shepard, daughter to missionaries Jim and Elisabeth Elliot. If you did not hear that episode, I encourage you to go back and listen. It was so interesting to hear Valerie share about the love story of her parents and God’s faithfulness in their lives.

This week I am shifting gears and talking with Valerie about the holy and privileged calling of motherhood. Valerie is the mother to eight grown children and eight grandchildren. As you can imagine she has much seasoned advice to share, and I know you are going to be blessed!
I encourage you to check out the many books Valerie’s mother Elisabeth Elliot wrote and definitely to pick up your copy of Valerie’s new book “Devotedly” It is a gem of a book telling the story of her parents’ courtship and of their devotion to God and to one another. You can find Devotedly at http://devotedlybook.com and also on Amazon.
Did you know that Elisabeth Elliot used to have a radio program called Gateway to Joy? You can listen to some of those episodes through this link: https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/home/all-programs/gateway-to-joy-elisabeth-elliot/
I am sharing these books by Elisabeth Elliot and Valerie Shepard as part of Amazon’s affiliate link program:
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May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you until we meet again.