Hello my Friends! I am so thrilled that you are joining me for this very special episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast!
Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 104: Devotedly – Interview With Valerie Shepard
On this episode I have a very special guest. Valerie Elliot Shepard is the daughter to Jim and Elisabeth Elliot missionaries to Ecuador. Valerie was so kind to share the story of how God brought her parents together and used them to engage in kingdom work for His glory. It was a joy to hear from Valerie, and I know you are going to be greatly blessed!

This story is a powerful testimony of what God can do through those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him. You will hear how Jim and Elisabeth were devoted first of all to their God and then to each other.
Valerie also shares about her new book “Devotedly” where she tells the story of the courtship of her parents. The book contains many of the letters they wrote back and forth to each other before they were married, and I was so impressed at the level of spiritual maturity they possessed at such young ages.
You can check out the Devotedly website here: http://devotedlybook.com
I so appreciate Val taking the time to share on the podcast, and the exciting thing is that she will be back with me again next week for a different conversation about motherhood. Val is the mother of eight children and has a lot of wisdom to share from her years of raising her own family. I hope you will come back next week for that conversation!
I am going to link to some books by Elisabeth Elliot below as well as Valerie’s beautiful book Devotedly. I am currently reading through Devotedly and it is a stunningly beautiful book that I am really enjoying! Do you have any favorite books by Elisabeth Elliot? I would love to hear about your favorites!
Aff Links Below:
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May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you until we meet again.